Stergios Theologides's Biography


Early Career and Education

Stergios Theologides, known as Terry, embarked on his professional journey after completing his academic pursuits. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Public and International Affairs from Princeton University and a Juris Doctor from Columbia Law School. His early career was marked by a focus on legal and business aspects within financial services and regulatory environments, setting the stage for his later contributions to the housing finance sector1.

Career in the Financial Services Industry

Theologides's entry into the financial services industry was characterized by roles that capitalized on his legal expertise and strategic insight. Before joining Fannie Mae, he served as Senior Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary at CoreLogic, Inc., where he played a pivotal role in guiding the company through complex legal landscapes. Prior to that, he was Executive Vice President and General Counsel for Morgan Stanley's U.S. residential mortgage business, further solidifying his expertise in housing finance1.

In March 2019, Theologides took a significant step in his career by joining Fannie Mae as Executive Vice President and General Counsel. In this role, he oversaw the Legal Division and Government & Industry Relations function, serving as a senior advisor to the Board of Directors. His responsibilities expanded as he became Fannie Mae's Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer, where he led various critical functions including Economic & Strategic Research, ESG & Mission, and Marketing & Communications. His work at Fannie Mae is focused on promoting equitable and sustainable access to homeownership and quality affordable rental housing across America1.

Throughout his career, Theologides has been actively involved in addressing housing finance and consumer data policy issues. His contributions include serving as a member of the Federal Reserve Board's Consumer Advisory Council and chairing the Consumer Data Industry Association, demonstrating his commitment to influencing policy for the betterment of the housing finance system1.

Community Involvement

Beyond his professional endeavors, Theologides has engaged in community service, notably serving on the Board of Directors for Studio Theatre in Washington, D.C. This involvement reflects his broader commitment to contributing positively to communities beyond the confines of his industry1.


Stergios "Terry" Theologides's career is marked by a deep commitment to the legal and regulatory aspects of the financial services industry, with a particular focus on housing finance. His educational background, combined with his extensive experience and community involvement, underscores his dedication to fostering equitable and sustainable housing solutions.



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