Who is Hemraj Banjade? - The Unsolved Mystery of a Domestic Worker's Death

Hemraj BanjadeDetail
Age45 years old at the time of death1
FamilyWife Khumkala Banjade, son Prajwal, and an ailing mother Krishnakala Banjade2
EducationNot specified in the sources
CareerDomestic worker, employed by the Talwar family in Noida, India3
Place of DeathTalwar residence in Noida, India1
Cause of DeathSuffered a blow to the head, before having his throat slit4
Suspects in DeathInitially suspected were the Talwar family, specifically Rajesh Talwar, and later three domestic helps Krishna, Vijay Mandal, and Rajkumar were investigated5
Podcasts Covering the StoryEvidence Locker Podcast4, Crime Junkie Podcast6

Early Life and Family

Hemraj Banjade hailed from Nepal and was the sole breadwinner for his family, which included his wife Khumkala Banjade, his son Prajwal, and his elderly mother Krishnakala Banjade. Little is known about his early life or education, but his family's dependence on him for financial support was evident2.

Career and Life in India

Hemraj worked as a domestic worker for the Talwar family in Noida, India. He had been employed there for some time before his untimely death. His role as a live-in domestic worker was crucial for the well-being of his family back in Nepal, as he would send money home to support them3.

Events Leading Up to His Death

The night of May 15-16, 2008, marked a tragic turn when Hemraj and 13-year-old Aarushi Talwar were murdered in the Talwar residence. Initially, Hemraj was suspected of Aarushi's murder until his own body was found a day later on the terrace of the same flat, leading to a complex and controversial investigation1 7.

The Murder and Investigation

Hemraj's murder was characterized by a blow to the head followed by his throat being slit, mirroring the injuries sustained by Aarushi. The case quickly became one of India's most sensational and unsolved mysteries, with the Talwar family initially being the prime suspects. The investigation saw numerous twists, including the suspicion and later release of other domestic workers, and the eventual conviction and subsequent acquittal of the Talwars5 7.

Impact on Family and Legacy

The loss of Hemraj left his family in Nepal in dire financial straits. His wife struggled with arthritis, his mother with age-related ailments, and his son with asthma, all without the financial support Hemraj had provided. The case's notoriety did little to alleviate their suffering, and they expressed dissatisfaction with the life sentences handed to the Talwars, feeling that justice had not been fully served2.

Media Coverage and Public Interest

The case attracted massive media attention and was covered by various podcasts, including the Evidence Locker and Crime Junkie, reflecting the public's fascination with the unsolved mystery and the class dynamics at play in the investigation4 6.



  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Noida_double_murder_case 2 3

  2. https://www.hindustantimes.com/india/aarushi-murder-case-hemraj-s-family-in-nepal-unhappy-with-life-sentence/story-E5hiQOEjK3uVfJvaiqDKtI.html 2 3

  3. https://www.millenniumpost.in/hemraj-banjade-lived-and-died-in-ignominy-189729 2

  4. https://www.reddit.com/r/Casefile/comments/14nqxco/case_253_aarushi_talwar_hemraj_banjade/?rdt=39589 2 3

  5. https://www.indiatoday.in/magazine/the-big-story/story/20110124-the-untold-story-745549-2011-01-13 2

  6. https://indianexpress.com/article/india/aarushi-murder-case-nupur-talwar-rajesh-talwar-at-nepal-village-hemrajs-family-still-awaits-justice-4894037/ 2

  7. https://indianexpress.com/article/what-is/what-is-the-aarushi-talwar-murder-case-allahabad-high-court-hemraj-rajesh-talwar-nupur-talwar-4886203/ 2
