Dany Beauchemin's Biography

Early Career and Education

Dany Beauchemin began his career as an aerospace engineer at Pratt & Whitney Canada, where he worked for five years before transitioning to the banking industry1. He holds a Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School, graduating with distinction, and also earned a Master of Aerospace Engineering and a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from McGill University1.

Start in the Banking Industry

Beauchemin's first foray into the banking sector was with Scotiabank, where he joined in 2003. Over the years, he has held progressively senior roles within Global Investment Banking at the bank1. His early roles included positions in Derivatives, Structured Finance, Canadian and U.S. Debt Capital Markets, and Corporate Banking teams1.

Career Progression at Scotiabank

Dany Beauchemin's career at Scotiabank has been marked by a series of promotions, leading to his current position as Co-Head of Global Investment Banking and Canadian & U.S. Corporate Banking2 1. He has been responsible for Global Investment Banking across all industry groups, Canadian & U.S. Corporate Banking, Merger and Acquisition activities, and Equity Capital Markets1. Beauchemin co-led investment banking with Adam Sinclair and has been with Scotiabank for nearly 20 years3.

Media Mentions

Beauchemin has been mentioned in the media in the context of his role at Scotiabank, particularly when discussing leadership changes and the bank's position in investment banking3.

Volunteering and Community Involvement

In addition to his professional career, Dany Beauchemin is involved in volunteering, as evidenced by his participation in the Major Individual Giving Cabinet at United Way Greater Toronto4. This involvement showcases his commitment to community service and philanthropy.

Throughout his career, Dany Beauchemin has demonstrated a strong track record in the banking industry, with a particular focus on investment banking. His educational background in engineering, combined with his business acumen from Harvard Business School, has contributed to his success in the financial sector.



  1. https://www.zoominfo.com/p/Dany-Beauchemin/1544310322 2 3 4 5 6

  2. https://www.gbm.scotiabank.com/en/about-overview/our-leadership.html

  3. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-scotiabanks-co-head-of-investment-banking-departs-after-two-year-stint/ 2

  4. https://www.unitedwaygt.org/about-us/our-people/major-individual-giving-cabinet/
